Setting Your Mindset For Success.

I can remember times when starting my online home business opportunity that I appeared at times a lot more confident that I actually felt. I often wondered at the fact that I could appear outwardly confident, calm and in control while inside I experienced self doubt, and worry at whether the steps I was taking were the right ones, and whether they were leading me away or toward my business success.

I am a firm believer that your mindset sets you up for success. Changing your mindset needn’t be a long and dragged out process, by becoming aware of your thoughts and feeling you are able to determine your actions.

If you find you are stalling on a project, avoiding making that phone call or sending out that letter, examine your beliefs. Old beliefs might be hindering your progress. Determine which beliefs are working for you and which ones could use a tune up.

Listed below are 5 steps that I have taken from Loren Fogelman  that can help you develop a mindset for success, by practising these steps daily you will soon become a client attraction magnet.

Choose to change. Having a desire to do things differently is significant. A willingness to explore all options is the first step toward creating a mindset for success. Be ready to step out of the box. Be adventurous by opening your mind to alternative perceptions. Instead of focusing on negative perceptions, begin to develop beliefs which are positive and build you up.

Who do you spend time with?

  • “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn The people you surround yourself with will affect your mindset. Choose to spend your valuable time with people who are forward thinkers, understanding your excitement and drive. Connect with entrepreneurs who have already achieved the goals you are currently striving toward. If you want to be a millionaire, you need to spend time with millionaires. They think differently and act differently than people living paycheck to paycheck.

Do you know what holds you back?

  • We subscribe meaning to the events in our life. In turn, this affects how you perceive your world around you. Look within to decide if there is a difference between what you say you want and what you actually believe is true. Did you find a belief which contradicts your success? Create a new one which is relevant to whom you are today and your current goals.

Action vs. Avoidance

  • The last part of the word “attraction” is action. Embracing the success mindsetsets you up to take action, striving for new endeavors.  You will bedriven to do things you had previously avoided. As you stretch yourself beyond what you thought was possible, you will feel an energy shift. Your vibration rises, getting peoples attention. Having confidence, taking action and believing in your success is very client attractive.

Identify your purpose

  • Deep down connect with the very thing that drives you. Discover your gift, your special talent. Get really clear about it. Discard the excuses for not taking action and following through with your passion. Excuses prevent you from taking bold steps to success.

When you find you are stuck, give yourself permission to seek out support A good sounding board, a coach can come in rather handy at times.  We often cant see the wood for the trees and others often see the potential in us that we ourselves don’t see .. In fact, you will most probably achieve your next level of success much quicker by with other like-minded home business entrepreneurs. Associating people who are go getter and are success minded will take your focus to an entire new level.

To your success mindset






  1. Michael Harrington

    Hi Brenda,
    Another great post.
    I love what you say about the people you spend most of your time with. This is so true!!!
    Nice work!

  2. Michelle Zimvu

    Thanks for a fantastic article Brenda!I’m very passionate about not only developing but maintaining a success mindset. I was particularly able to relate to the point you made about being driven to do things you’d previously avoided. Not only am I doing these tasks, I’m actually enjoying them!With my ‘success’ hat on, I can see how completing previously daunting tasks is moving me closer to where I want to be. 🙂

    • Brenda

      Thank you Michelle, Would love to hear what you did to move you towards where you want to be. Perhaps we could share ideas.

  3. Danny Yoon

    If you absolutely don’t have the right mindset Brenda, you won’t achieve success in any type of business venture that you are going for! Many aren’t taking action and keep procrastinating on a consistent basis that isn’t good at all!

  4. Dean R Black

    Brenda this is so key. You cannot achieve success unless and until you have the right ” mindset” or attitude. I like the saying that goes, ” If you think you can or you think you cannot then you are right”. You first have to decide what you want to accomplish and then take the action needed to accomplish it. If your mind is not properly focused and ready for action then you will be working against yourself. Thanks for another great post 🙂

    • Brenda

      One of my favourite quotes Dean. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Alecia

    Wow, these points really drive home on the why we are in business, thanks.

  6. Nicky

    I love your posts Brenda because your “mindset coaching” always shines through and you always give an explanation on how to overcome feelings.

    Great post, loved it as I could resonate with those same feelings when I was building my business offline.


  7. Kim Mullette

    Some great strategies here on mindset Brenda. My favorite is your first one “who do you spend time with”. It makes such a big difference if you surround yourself with positive people. Thanks Brenda.

  8. LuSundra Everett

    I love this mindset of success. it does take time to develop and maintain. I love how you talk about action vs avoidance. Creative procrastination is a killer for us all! Great post. Made me think!

    • Brenda

      Thanks Lusundra – I love the anything to do with mindset.. and as they say practice makes perfect

  9. Wendy Elwell

    Wow, that is so true, your mindset can be formed by the people around you. Also, I agree it is how you think about things that will propel you to action. Thanks for sharing the information. My Pastor talked about this today in church. Thanks for the reinforcement.


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About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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