How To Improve Your Home Business Mindset.

Mindset has become a very big thing in my life. Two years ago I started a personal journey which led me along a path of personal soul seeking and during this time I also started my own home business, in the coaching industry.

This has resulted in a few twists and turns and diversification into new fields. I now apply myself to helping others achieve their goals and also teach and share strategies with those want to start a home business.

However that’s not the topic for todays discussion, I am getting side tracked. The topic of MINDSET comes up each and every day as I meet people who are stuck as a result of many things, fear, procrastination, overwhelm , feeling lost or just in a place where negative thoughts and feelings take precedence in their lives.

I feel saddened when I encounter a person or persons in my case that have so much potential yet the negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and fear hold them captive.

I see this more so every day in my internet marketing home business and as I engage with people who are wanting to start their own home business’s, or newbies in the new internet marketing and network marketing industry

Focusing on what they perceive as their reality they give up.

I found this wonderful story in the internet – a good place to look for stuff, and thought to share it with you.

A son and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!! … why did that stump trip me?”

To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:

“AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!! … why did that stump trip me?”

Curious, he yells: “Who are you and why did you put that in my way” He receives the answer: “Who are you and why did you put that in my way”.

Angered at the response, he screams: “Coward!”

He receives the answer: “Coward!”

He looks to his father and asks: “What’s going on?” The father smiles and says: “My son, pay attention.” And then he screams to the mountain: “I admire you!” The voice answers: “I admire you!”

Again the man screams: “You are a champion with unlimited power!” The voice answers: “You are a champion with unlimited power!”

The boy is surprised, but does not understand. Then the father explains: “People call this echo, but really this is life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our thinking.

So how can we apply the principle of this powerful story to our lives:

My simple advise to you today is to;

Become aware of your thoughts, as you do this notice how many negative or limiting thoughts you allow yourself to entertain and focus on each day, it might be something that sounds like this; “It always happens to me”, “why is life so difficult”, “Life is not fair”, “Murphy’s law, when one thing goes wrong everything goes wrong”, “I am just not able to do this… “ and so on.

Remember, it takes time and practice. Don’t become despondent when you try and control your negative thoughts, take it one thought at a time. As you become aware of this ugly old thing, simply choose ( yes it IS a choice ) to replace it with a thought that uplifts you , something more positive, perhaps an expression of gratitude and soon you will become the master of your own thoughts and destiny.

How does this all work?

Well, to explain the entire principle would take up a lot of time and space so to keep it simple ;

It simply is this;

What you focus on is what you get, in other words where focus goes, energy flows.

When you understand the simplicity of changing your thoughts you create a shift in energy and attract that which gets the most focus. In saying that, why would anyone want to then continue to hold on to and focus on negative things – Choose your thoughts wisely or your thoughts will choose you and your world will be formed by it.

Any thoughts, comments, questions or feedback about this post, please share them below. Also, if you find this post valuable, please “VOTE”, “LIKE” or SHARE it with your facebook friends and twitter followers. I’ll certainly appreciate it!

Living Life by Design




Brenda Tsiaousis
Mobile : + 61 405 348 932 ( International)
Email :
Skype Name : nick.tsiaousis

p.s : Starting out in your new home business,  Click the link and plug in to weekly Free Training that will put you on the road to an achievers mindset.


  1. Karen Glover

    Thanks Brenda – I love the “echo” analogy – couldn’t be clearer than that!

    • Brenda

      Thanks Roy.. cant wait to get going with the next challenge.

  2. Lawrence Bergfeld

    We have to live in the NOW and put out positive thoughts. That way we will get what we want!!!

    Lawrence Bergfeld

  3. Arthur Tassinello

    Well said and I love the story, so perfect. Keep up the good work.

    • Brenda

      Thank you Authur – I value your stopping by.

  4. Ted Sheibar

    Great article Brenda. Negative thoughts are the very poison that can prevent us from achieving anything.

    I always say, “why stop yourself from doing something before you even start?” In fact, there’s an entire field of study about this concept called “NLP” – neuro-linguistic programming. It’s also a topic I talk about at length in my ebook.

    Also great is that you touched on not letting obstacles slow you down. The analogy I like to use is that of a person who trips on a crack in the sidewalk. That person could blame the sidewalk and sue the city…or that person can simply say, “Moving forward, I’ll have to watch where I’m going more carefully.”

    Bookmarked and shared. Thanks again, Brenda 🙂

    • Brenda

      Love that sidewalk analogy Ted – thanks for sharing. I love NLP, this has been a tool used in my coaching and NLP practice that has definitely helped me with stepping over obstacles.

  5. Rhonda Keenan

    Hi Brenda, I googled home business mindset and found you. Enjoyed your post and loved the analagy of the echo.

  6. Lesa

    Many people choose to follow the “I’ll believe it when I see it” adage, but the reverse is actually more accurate, “I’ll see it when I believe it,” as we actually filter out information that doesn’t fit into our world view.

    Thanks for the reminder that how we think IS important and for giving us the encouragement to do it differently.



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About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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