Revealed: Why A Clear Vision For Growing Your Small Business Is A ..

The subject of a clear vision or purpose for my life has been on my mind lately, I suppose because I have been revamping and redefining my vision for my growing small business.
To tell you the truth I actually thought I pretty much had it all figured out. Well, the joke was on me. I realised a few week ago that I was going in circles and I was getting more confused with where I thought I was heading to. About 10 weeks ago I signed up to 8 weeks of RHH BSchool (Rich Hot and Happy BSchool ) and I become a BSchool Babe, one of many that stepped up their business growth online by investing in themselves. I absolutely loved the course, met wonderful dynamic sassy hot and very different women who decided that they had a vision and something to offer the world – very much like me I suppose. Each one unique, with great idea’s and even greater websites, products and services.. The start of the entire program was to get very clear on your vision – I really think this is the part that most people miss


no half hearted, I think I ‘m gonna do this or this is what I think it should look like Na ah … VERY CLEAR VISION!! Saying this I noticed that most of the women who had enrolled for this fantabulous course had a few things in common.

1.) Most had got very overwhelmed at the vast amount of information on the internet and information that flooded our inbox daily

2.) Most had a huge BHAG vision, yet were still unclear as to HOW to take that beautiful vision and turn it into some thing concrete and of value to others

3.) Many suffered form something called “comparatinitis “ constantly looking at others, feeling not good enough and comparing their journey, websites and where they where in the entire scheme of things with someone else.

4.) Many were dynamic women with a dream to change the world, and a tremendous story to tell but weren’t sure what their message should look like, how to create it or package it.

5.) Each one had a need to help others, often it was hardship, an event or something they endured that caused them to want to help others

6.) Many had great business ideas but no process or business system to follow There were obviously many more similarities but I will address the few listed above today So lets take the statements made above and look at how having a vision can impact on growing or accelerating your life or business. A business without a vision soon perishes. I am sure you are aware that all projects big or small start with a vision. If you’ve recently started your own small business then you probably woke up with an idea or a vision of something slightly bigger than yourself and you realise that you could use your vision to create a business or life that you really want and desire.

You realise that your vision could be put to good use and you could even make some money from this (well I hope this is what you thought if you’re a small business owner) The more clarity you have around your vision the better it will be for your long term business growth and sustainability in your small business. Having a clear vision reduces overwhelm, a factor that can almost cripple your business if you let it.

Having a clear vision for your business that is yours will ensure that you remain true to your purpose. Understand how everything you do, while growing your small business should ultimately lead up into the fulfillment of your vision IE; your systems, process, tactical plans and objectives should all flow upwards into your vision or purpose. (something I teach in my Accelerate program.) Can you see the importance of;


Here are one or two questions to get you thinking, if you’re still a little unclear.

1.) How do you want your business to look and feel like, 2 years from now (Picture it in your mind – create a vision board, write it out, go into as much depth as you can with as much detail as you can muster.)

2.) What are you doing? Who are you with? How much are you earning? How big is your business? How many clients do you have? What are you known for? Are you getting the picture? No airy fairy work here.. GET CLEAR on what you want your  small growing business to look like (that’s the bossy me coming out ) So go on, If this is where you are still stuck, your vision is a good place to start, and please let me know how you’re going.

Please add a comment to the comment box below and share your vision with me. Yes really! I want to hear from you.

To your BHAG Business Vision.


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About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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