Personal Development
Step Into Your Excellence.

Step Into Your Excellence.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to...

Facts Tell, Stories Sell or Do They..?

I love to listen to stories, don’t you? – I especially love to listen to stories of people who have achieved success in life and business. I get inspired when I read of how the trial and tribulations that individuals face have been overcome – A real zero to hero story...

My Business Was Born By Default! ( and Terrible Cooking…)

"I have always known that at last I would take this road, but yesterday I did not know that it would be today." —Japanese Haiku My business was born by default . Yes default, I woke up one morning feeling like there was something huge missing in my life, I felt lost...

Renew Your Mind and Dump the Trash.

"We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly... spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order "~ Susan Taylor If you have children you’ll know that home and life can become quite hectic, messy and untidy at...

4 Lessons Learned From Indecisiveness

Sitting on the Fence Have you ever had to make a decision and really felt undecided so took the easy way out and sat on the fence – Not for the decision and also not against the decision? Rather  “I will wait and see what happens “ or...

Money Mindset – Is Yours Affecting Your Business Growth?

Money, Money, Money, Money  This is the intro to Donald Trump's series, "Apprentice". Do you wonder how some people have the ability to almost generate cash at the push of a button and why others try so hard, spend so many hours in your business and still don’t seem...

Top 7 Books Every Business Owner Should Read.

I love reading and often have a pile of books on the cabinet next to my bed, there are however a few that have stood the test of time and the 10 books listed below are one's that have graced my library shelves for quite sometime. I often find myself suggesting them to...

Shine on – Let your light burn bright.

Shine on – Let your light burn bright.

I decided to share a thought with you today, a thought about facing your fears. I called up a coaching friend earlier to find discuss something that he wanted to do online, during our conversation we decided to trade services. His coaching for a service of mine. I...

To Grow Yourself Is To Know Yourself.

Know your self-worth This seems to be a topic that comes up often in discussion, “knowing your self worth” and often is also a sensitive one. Where does your self worth stem from? Does it come from external sources, recognition, a good academic background, acceptance...

Fortune favours the brave