About 2 – The Real, The Raw And The Liberating.

Like all about pages there is often too little space to share the entire story, the version that most people would like to read but never get to read. 

So, I decided to take some time to share my entrepreneurial journey and a little of my life with you – The good, the bad and the liberating. 

I’m still figuring out this journey called life. I’m still getting to know me.  There are days that are good and moments that don’t feel as good. I’ve come to to the conclusion that there is no perfect end goal, only a worthwhile journey, experiences to share and memories to create. 

I have created many – many of these have defined who I am today and perhaps the same can be said for you. 

If you’re reading this I’m assuming you’ve been on my website, you have loved a little, lost a little – you have secrets to share and other are still too painful to share and so you keep them hidden for the right moment. 

Strangely enough a few years ago i had secrets too. Some thing inside me knew that a moment in time would come when I would be strong enough, brave enough, confident enough or courageous enough to share these stories, only this is simply not true. 

I will never be strong enough, brave enough or courageous enough. Are we ever? But.. even though the latter may be reality I believe that in my weakness I am strong and it’s from this space that I am able to let go, release and share my story with you. 

Not for me but rather because I believe in these stories, sharing sadness, laughing together, through this connection is made, a key is provided to unlock a door to opportunities, to finding yourself and to allowing yourself to be who you are truly created to be.