5 Mistakes Most Newbie Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Make In Business.

I spent some time recently listening to a few recorded webinars. I wasn’t surprised to hear how many had made the same mistakes that I had when I first started my business.

With this in mind I took some time to think through all the mistakes that I made, sometimes still make in my business and decided to share the top 5 crazy mistakes that most new entrepreneurs and small business owners make. 

5 mistakes entrepreneurs and business owners make - Brenda Tsiaousis

If you can relate to these feel free to leave me a comment in the comment box or add on any other you may have experienced.

1.)  Thinking that it is going to be easy.

Assuming  that loads of hot cash will flow in to my bank overnight because I have suddenly joined the online world of business  where people flock to your website to purchase all you have to offer.

No!No! – not quite so. An online business is like any  other – they don’t just become successful money making machines overnight. Time, effort and energy and many times, capital is required to make this work.

2.)  Lack of  clarity.

So you’ve decided to start your own business , yet have no idea who to target, what your  target market’s problems are or how to provide a solution for the pending problem..

Think this over – It would be a brilliant idea when starting your own  business to know who you want to sell to.

Ask yourself : Who are you ideal clients? What age group do they fall in? Where do they live? Are you targeting only the male population or female population, or both?  What do they like to do for fun? What problems are they currently experiencing? How can you solve that problem?

Where are they in their life cycle?  Settling down?  Transitioning between jobs? Unemployed? Looking for change?  Retiring? Wanting to start their own business etc?

It makes sense then doesn’t it? to take all this in to consideration when first deciding to start a business.  There is a vast market out there.

Defining and getting clarity of Who, What and How you are going to meet these needs is a great place to start.

Often people head out in to the world of business without any idea as to who and what they are targeting.  Lack of clarity can be likened to putting a blindfold over your eyes and then heading out in any direction, hoping to find your destination. Sure – you might get there. With bumps, stops and starts and I’m sure many wrong turns taken along the way as well as wasted time.

So why make it more difficult than it should be.  Take a few minutes and become clear on how your business will operate.

If you’re not sure why not CLICK HERE to book a complimentary consult with me 

3.)  Having “shiny object “ syndrome.

You’re not the only one. With access to so much information on the internet and email coming into your inbox daily offering you the latest tool, and software program, you’re probably purchasing every new course, e books, software that the guru’s are suggesting.  While you do need certain tools and resources in your  business there comes a time when enough is enough, and all the shiny things we have purchase start to gather dust as we forget or get caught up with the next shiny object.

Really! You have all the software, courses and books you need to get going in your business, All information can be found on the internet for  FREE anyway. You just need to know where to look. Pack away that credit card.

This was probably the biggest, most costly mistake I made. I was suckered ( not forcefully) but through well written copy sales letters and videos that got me believing that I needed just that one last thing that was going to change my life for ever, add millions to my bank account and thinking that if I did not sign up RIGHT then and there, I would lose the opportunity to do so at the low discounted price at a later stage – Yeah right!!

Take my advise – pack away that credit card – you have enough shiny toys to get you going.

4.)  Lack of focus

Focus, Focus, Focus – I cannot stress enough that focusing on one strategy

( maybe two ) and becoming an expert in that strategy is much more rewarding than knowing a tiny bit about several strategies and achieving nothing but overwhelm.

I asked a colleague in the industry what her 2 biggest mistakes were when she started out. This was her answer;

being distracted by too many marketing methods – instead of concentrating on 2 methods and getting them right before moving onto something else – I was told this from day one but have never really done it – until recently.

Pick a strategy that you feel comfortable with, understand it , learn it , implement it and teach it.

5.)  Not Branding “ You Inc”

Brand exposure is so important. For your business to grow,people need to know you. Who you are and what you stand for or what you don’t stand for.

Make sure that you are branding yourself out there and not just your business. After all – people buy into people, not companies.

For good measure :  I will add one more

6.)  No proper marketing system in place.

This should have been point #1 – Marketing is the most important aspect of any business, yet it is something we so often overlook and forget to implement in our business. I do hope that highlighting these 5 mistakes  will help you to avoid them and that you will learn from the mistakes others have made.

To your Abundant Success,




Mobile : +61 405 348 932 ( International )

Email : BrendaTs@BrendaTsiaousis.com

Skype Name : nick.tsiaousis – (please introduce yourself when connecting.)



Is your business is currently on the fence,  Do you want to grow your business and take it to the next level? Are you branding “You Inc” , Do you want access to tools, resources and training that you REALLY do need in your business? Want some help to gain clarity and remain focused on achieving your goals, The same tools and strategies that I use in my business and share with my clients are available to you when you book in a 30 minute consult with me ~ Yes, IT’S FREE.

CLICK RIGHT HERE AND COMPLETE THE FORM NOW!  – It’ll take you less than a minute.





  1. Kim Mullette

    Fantastic article Brenda, people really need to consider these things when they take on a home business. I wish I had read this when I first started…

  2. Karen Glover

    Brenda you are so spot on with this article, especially clarity, lack of focus and the shiny object syndrome! Something for all of us to think about.

  3. Alecia

    Yes, that is why success is determined on these tips. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Helen

    Great article Brenda – sooo true ;))

  5. Ruth

    The shiny object syndrome is something a lot of newbies fall into. I had the same problem when I first got started too. Thanks for highlighting these mistakes Brenda.

    • Brenda

      Oh and ME too Ruth.. I now using my skill of “procrastination” when presented with a purchasing offer – 🙂

  6. Nicky

    Ha ha – I think I probably went through all of those at some point Brenda. I like to think I’ve cracked them all now,……but maybe I still get shiny object syndrome every now and again! Great post.

    • Brenda

      It’s so important to get the message across.. and personally I think we all do, it part of the learning curve. Some just longer to stop making the same ole mistake..and move on.

  7. Perig Vennetier

    I think #3 and #4 are the toughest for me! Great points here Brenda.

    • Brenda

      I agree Perig and probably is for most people. A good idea it to work with a plan and strategy in mind which help retain focus..as well as realise that we have more than enough tools and resources on hand to get you going – any more added will surely create overwhelm ( well for me anyway)

  8. Nathan Gonzalez

    Brenda you are on point with these five mistakes, great stuff!

    • Brenda

      Thanks Nathan – I appreciate the comment.

  9. Godwin Okoduwa

    Thanks, i like the focus part, there are alot of distraction around. I also love the marketing system. great Job Brenda

  10. Etieno Etuk

    Awesome post, Brenda. I agree that focus is very important. It’s better to be master of one or two strategies than to be mediocre in a lot of different strategies. Focusing on one strategy and repeating this strategy over and over again will make you an expert. Repetition is the mother of skill.


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About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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