Finding The Unstoppable Warrior In You?

Are you as unstoppable in your network marketing home business as you would like to believe?

I just watched Jonathan Budd’s video (his first in a series during his trip to gorgeous Ecuador) and it’s all about unstoppable persistence. I must say, I’m truly impressed and inspired by his enthusiasm and energy. His words and tips are true, relatable and easy to follow. Suffice it to say, I agree with everything he said in his video.

In the video, he points out the common denominator of every successful person he knows and that is


Not just any kind of persistence, but having the persistence that never stops for anyone or anything. Not a single distraction. To say that his talk is informative and motivating are understatements.

In any network marketing home business, so many people think that once you fail, it’s over and done with. To be successful, you must simply think of failure as your practice shots. It’s like that Chinese saying, “fall seven times but stand up eight.” In the video, Jonathan talks at great length about dedication and perseverance. You’ll never succeed in anything without these two, which is pretty much known. His talk is direct and straight to the point. He delivers in such a way that all the oblivious issues are raised and given emphasis to, you just find yourself scratching your head saying “now why didn’t I think of that?” It’s quite extraordinary how he gives great advice and points out common mistakes but does this in an unpretentious manner, not at all giving off that “holier-than-thou” vibe.

The key points raised in the video are how persistence, sometimes, is not enough. I have to say, I agree with him. It is one thing to be persistent, but quite another to be driven and have direction!

You have to pinpoint the issues that you’re having difficulty with, whether it’s generating leads, or having good quality web content or anything at all. Once you figure it out, you can start to solve what the problem is.

You can address what you’re struggling with directly.

Another point raised is how you should model your network marketing skills. No, not copying, but finding a guru that you want to follow. Get yourself a mentor to inspire you and motivate you to do your best and achieve excellent results.

In summary;

Target the problem issue, get yourself a mentor to guide you and lastly, innovate, innovate, innovate.

Times are changing fast and there’s no excuse to get left behind. Educate yourself on the latest in the network marketing home industry. Learn the latest trends and update your website to fit what people want. How you get in touch with your clients should be one of your top priorities. Add a little zest and personality to how you market your products, these will attract your followers and at the very least, keep them curious and excited for more.

After all is said and done, you can’t help but ponder on all these things  and how you can use these to further improve your network marketing home business. It’s time to step back, figure out which things need a little fixing or a little updating, and get going- no interruptions, no deterrents.

Simply be unstoppably persistent. You’ll find that it’s a lot easier than it seems, but with the right


Marketing System and

Mentorship ( see Partner with Brenda )

You will soon find that unstoppable warrior within you leading the way to success and achievement in your network marketing home business and realisation of your dreams.

To your abundant success


Brenda Tsiaousis

Mobile : +61 405 348 932


Skype Name : nick.tsiaousis.

PS :  Become a 6-7 figure income earner, mentored by the best and choose a lifestyle worth living – Sick of the dull drudgery of your daily life. UP to your ears in debt. Unfulfilled in your 9-5  J.OB. WATCH this short presentation for the solution.




  1. Alecia

    Keep at it and don’t give up! Thanks Brenda!

    • Brenda

      My pleasure Alecia

  2. Karen Glover

    Brenda I love this – and yes I have fallen many times but I’m still standing, becoming more unstoppable with each passing day! Thanks for a great read 🙂

    • Brenda

      Always a pleasure Karen – don’t we all know what it’s like to be on our knees or flat on our face – it’s not how many times we fall, but rather how many times we get up that counts..

  3. Michael Harrington

    Hi Brenda,
    As Winston Churchill once said “Never Never Never Never Never Give Up!” Simple as that 🙂

    • Brenda

      I agree Michael – ( good on you Winston!)

  4. Pj Zafra

    Hey Brenda, great post here! I love Jonathan Budd! Such an amazing guy. He has tons of amazing pics and vids from his trip to Ecuador. Have fun watching the vids as well. Great insight here Brenda. We have to become an unstoppable individual with a direction. Thanks! 😀

  5. Nathan Gonzalez

    Great stuff Brenda, I love everything that J Budd comes out with.

  6. Nicky

    This is so true Brenda – I was talking to someone today who had no direction or “why” to do what he said he wanted to do, and strangely enough he couldn’t seem to have the dedication or commitment to get through any of the training he had been shown.

    No surprise – the dedication and the commitment HAS to be strong to succeed in anything not just online marketing.!

    Great post!

  7. Danny

    I’m definitely an unstoppable entrepreneur. Thanks for sharing Brenda!!!!

  8. Kim Mullette

    Another great post from you Brenda. I absolutely agree with needing direction, it’s important to know where your heading and keep focused on that. Thanks Brenda.

  9. Dean R Black

    Brenda you are so right. My wife would say I am nothing if not persistent. Once I sink my teeth into something I will not let go until I succeed. Thanks for the great article.

  10. Etieno Etuk

    Awesome post, Brenda. I love the quote “fall seven times but stand up eight.” It’s so true. Persistence is what keeps you going even after you’ve been knocked down several times. The interesting thing is that you’ll win if you don’t quit.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

  11. Drew

    Simple… “finish what you start”, whatever it takes!


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About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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