5 steps to help you refuel, reinvent and re-ignite yourself when you feel a little flat.

Time for a new blog post – I have spent the past few months redoing my website and during the process I put off blogging and sharing any thoughts or ideas with you, my lovely friend and gorgeous client. I just could not get myself to write a blog post on an old site that I felt out of alignment with, although I must admit this one is still very much a work in progress. This morning I added a status update to Facebook stating that I decided to have a “flat” day . Yes. I made the choice to be flat – not hyped up, excited or overly energetic. Simply Flat. For some, this might seem strange, even ridiculous.

Others felt sorry for me and sent me little messages of encouragement and then there were those who “got it” There is no “wrongness” in deciding to feel flat. To be totally clear I was neither down in the dumps, on a heap crying or ripping my hair out in exasperation. I  simply decided to be  “FLAT” Taking time to enjoy the rest, the stillness, the silence and finding the answers within, calming the raging storm of continuous and never ending mind chatter to gain clarity and focus on new beginnings. Reflecting on those things that are no longer serving me, and letttttttiiinng them go…. Making space for the new “brilliant Brenda –style bounce back “ – creating space to refuel, reinvent and re-ignite. 🙂

The experience is empowering, energising and full. Unapologetically – cool. Hanging onto old stuff, websites, limiting beliefs, agonising decisions,past regrets and habits leave little room for new experiences, joy, abundance and growth. 2013 is set to be a ripper year – I am taking every opportunity to ensure that it’s starts off with clarity and inner peace. So,

How to ensure your flat days benefit you.

1.) Be clear that you have chosen this “flatness” come from a place of letting the day evolve and enjoy the outcome.

2.) What ever the outcome, be it tears, joy, great insights or an experience – let it sit for while and then determine how to apply it to your life or business.

3.) Don’t feel bad for taking “time- out”, this is really beneficial to recharge, reignite and refuel. Heard of the old adage?  “All work and no play, makes Jack / Jill a dull boy/girl ”  The same can be said for not taking time out.

4.) Others may not understand it – that’s OK too. This is for you, no-one else.

5.) Enjoy it?  The probability is high that you will get back on the horse quickly and keep going for quite sometime until the next flat day, this could be weeks or months. I hope that my day has inspired you somewhat to let go, get clear and to choose a “flat”day — you could call it some thing else if “flatness” doesn’t do it for you  🙂 Being really inquisitive I’m wondering; Have you taken some time to get clear on your direction for 2013.

Your Turn;

What do you want 2013 to look like?

Leave  a comment below, I would especially like to hear how you define as well as what you do on “ flat” days.

Love, Light and happiness  




About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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