4 Crucial Phases In Your Entrepreneurial Journey.

Starting a new business can be one of the most exhilarating and exciting times. Believe me when I say that there have been days that I have been unable to get to sleep as a result of big ideas and thoughts that flow at the speed of light through my head.

It becomes even more so when you have a big idea brewing and suddenly everything starts falling into place, You start to get the taste of true entrepreneurship, You dream about having control of your daily activities, what you do and don’t do, and the taste of freedom simply empowers you especially if you have recently fired your boss and taken the huge step of becoming your own boss, working from home or a new business opportunity.
Life is good.

I remember when I started out in my home business opportunity a little more than a year ago. I just wanted to make some extra money working from home. Actually my goals were huge, still are and the freedom of being in charge of my time and the income I earn fuels me each day.
To say that running and systemising my entire business process was easy, is simply not true – Organisation skills is simply not one of my strong points and during that past year or so I have found that there are certain phases that you go through in your entrepreneurial journey and that plays an important role in your success.

Here are the 4 phases that most people go through – you might find that you might be better in one phase and not as much in another, the challenge here would be to build on the areas of strength and where you identify that you require stronger skills, perhaps consider finding someone to support you in the weaker area.

Entrepreneurial Phase 1 – Have Big Ideas/ Visions and Dreams

This is an exciting phase to be in – everything is wonderful as you dream about the future and achieving your goals. This phase is exactly as the heading says – Big Dreams ideas and visions. It is a time where nothing yet is concrete, no plans or goals have been laid out, During this phase you see your self as successful, envisioning a better lifestyle and future. You have an idea of what your future looks like and it involves doing some thing you love, perhaps starting your own home business and helping people to achieve their dreams – This dreams is something you hold dear to you, yet the how, the goal and the plan has not yet been defined, its still very much in your mind and perhaps you have not shared these dreams with anyone yet, or maybe you have – with a close friend or relative.

Entrepreneurial Phase 2 – The Goal Setting Phase

Your idea and vision is become highlighted and specifically HOW the vision is to unfold takes place. This is where you get to brainstorm the specifics of realising your dream. Your ideas start to take shape and you ask questions like, Who is your ideal target market? What will you offer? How will you brand yourself? What marketing is required? How often and from where will you work? How much capital is required? Etc
These are questions and answers that you need to write down, This is the start to strategic goal setting Planning and creating a business plan to move forward on.

Entrepreneurial Phase 3 – Taking Action

This is the time where you step up and move out of several comfort zones, using your skills to turn your dream into a reality. Taking action is often where most people stop, however for those who have a big enough reason for wanting to achieve success, taking action however small or big is a sure way to move forward. If it means enrolling for a specific course then this is as good a time as any to do this.
What ever action steps now need to be taken to move you forward should now be documented and applied. Examples of actions steps could be to register a business name, Finding a space to operate your business from, signing a contract, marketing yourself to enable clients to find you and establishing an online presence with your website if this is what you decide to do.
Your set and you’re ready to go, All the dreaming, goal setting and actions to get you successfully established in your new business venture has been completed and you are now ready to enter;

Entrepreneurial Phase 4 – Becoming the Expert Leader in your Industry.

This is my favourite time in the building a home business and this is where you get to show case your expertise and start speaking to people about your mission and vision for your life and business as well as the benefits that you can provide to them when making use of your services. Showing, educating and coaching people about your products, business and services is a super way to gain expert status. Remember : even though you might still be very new to business, there are many people who know less about your topic than you do and this in it self elevates to you a position of knowledge that can be shared to improve the lives of others. You want to address people’s problems, your business opportunity is the solution provider. Once you are known by others as the leader in a specific field and people start to know, love an trust you, then this is when you are able to create a loyal clientele who will refer you to their family and friends etc.

I found in my journey of staring a new business from home that there were often times when I got stuck in various phases and often reached out to others who had already achieved the result’s that I was looking for or had done what I was setting out to do. Recently I had decided to diversify, to change direction slightly – I had this great idea in my head but somehow I found myself running in circles, procrastinating and not really getting anything done with this great idea.

I have realised that there is some importance in being nurtured along the way, and met with a wonderful person who assisted me in getting my Big Dreams and idea’s out into planning and goals setting phase. Finding someone to mentor me was one of the best decisions I have made.

Would I have eventually got to this phase myself. Probably, not as quickly though as I would have liked nor as effectively. Having someone to guide me through the steps and draw from me my ideas, assist me with setting up a plan of action and being my sounding board has helped me go from Dreams to Expert a lot quicker.

There are many times that you might feel stuck in a certain phase or even fell like skipping a certain phase like goal setting and going straight to Expert Leader however in my experience all four phases are necessary if you want to create ultimate success.

With this said, My suggestion would be to take some time and determine in which phase you are in right now. Do a little brainstorming to discover where you are able to do it on your own or whether you need that support, extra hand holding, guidance or accountability in an area where you need help when starting your home business venture. Never be afraid to get outside help, this way you will be able to enjoy the success that you want and deserve.

I’d love to hear from you about how your entrepreneurial journey is doing, If my training and message resonates with you and I’ve helped you in any way, shape or form, please return the favor by clicking one of the buttons below to share this website with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, or email. Thanks again!

To your super success.




Brenda Tsiaousis

Mobile : +61 405 348 932

email : BrendaTs@BrendaTsiaousis.com

Skype : nick.tsiaousis



  1. Pat McKeon

    Hey Brenda,
    I love the way you broke this down into
    4 Duplicatable Steps that we can all follow!!
    I think I like Step 3 the best: Take Action!!
    I started a new program to my achieving success
    and that is to DO ONE THING TO MOVE BOTH MY

    thanks for sharing Brenda!!

  2. Galen Morgigno

    Entrepreneurship can be a great journey. How you handle the bumps in the road will determine your success along the way. These 4 steps certainly are good guideline to someone who is new to the business. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Danny

    Thanks for sharing Brenda your thoughts on your journey on what it takes to achieve success in your business

  4. Kim Mullette

    Fantastic Brenda, I really enjoyed reading this post and I agree with you having someone who can mentor and nurture you is very important. Thanks.

  5. Alecia

    Thanks for these ideas. The hardest is the expert status. Understanding that role will get you there faster.

  6. Karen Glover

    It’s not easy to become that entrepreneur and there will be tough times on the way. It’s not for everyone – that’s what makes it great when you get there, you know that you have worked hard to achieve it.

  7. Marcie

    Becoming an expert in any field is great, but in the end it’s just a title and it shouldn’t concern anyone but you. There are so many self-proclaimed gurus out there like drops of rain in a tornado.
    Aside of the occasional advices given to newbies, it’s best to keep a humble presence.

  8. Godwin Okoduwa

    Showing yourself to be an expert in the field is what differentiates those who make it big from the one dollar at a time fellows. This is what Magnetic Sponsoring talks about. Nice post Brenda.


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About Brenda Tsiaousis

Business Success Mentor, Courage Ignitor and confidante, Brenda supports passionate, impact driven women over 40 to have the confidence and courage to market their business and create a unique brand by combining a success mindset with timeless strategy fuelled by faith.Brenda is passionate about supporting women, addressing crucial missing components in life and business that often stop them from shining bright, sharing their message and living  more courageous lives. Brenda is founder of Business By Design For Women In Business and #1 best selling author of Courage To Bloom.  She speaks on various business topics, mindset, confidence, resilience and courage.  Learn more about Brenda and her coaching programs, here.

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